Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Captain's Log Stardate 201108.31

Well we have reached the end of August and things are progressing. I have been excited about this next semester at the academy and I know that it will be challenging but fulfilling as well.

The crew is all set to start this new mission, though they have been a bit sluggish of late...trying to draw out the last of the vacation.

I'm ready to adjust to my new schedule. Unfortunately the Commander is always tired which is reeking havoc on my brain and heart. Dealing with things the best I know how and trying to smile.

Decided to send my book to self publishing. Currently it is only in digital form but I hope it will be available for print and download. I am very happy with my work and I look forward to the other stories I want to share. I also hope it will help with expenses and needs around the house. Plus I have to come up with $321 by the middle of September. I thought we had done away with having to use money!! I will have to spend some time looking into scholarships, especially since we will have to have childcare for our youngest.

My exercise schedule has gone to the dogs, the Borg, and the Romulans. I hope soon I'll be able to get something that works and doesn't mean I have to get up at 4 am. Got a great 30 minutes in today, will try to do better. All the reading I must do leave me a bit sluggish...and I have to start tapering off the fiction reading...too much of a distraction.

Here's to the start of a great semester!

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